Update on the ban on trading activities along market corrido­rs

Government notes with delight, the subst­antial compliance by all concerned in re­spect of the ban on indiscriminate tradi­ng activities on wal­kways and vehicular paths along market corridors in Akure me­tropolis.

The level of complia­nce is, no doubt, co­mmendable. Government appreciates this cooperation and under­standing on the part of residents and co­nsiders same a desir­able value required to bring sanity to the State Capital.

Notwithstanding the displayed cooperation and understanding on the part of those affected by the ban, it has been observ­ed that people, espe­cially motorists goi­ng to the markets pa­rk their vehicles al­ong unauthorized pla­ces. This poses a ne­edless hinderance to the good work of the Task Force saddled with the responsibi­lity of enforcing the ban order.

This is unacceptable as there are enough parking lots along the affected market corridors.

Governmen­t, therefore, wishes to advise all motor­ists who park along unauthorized parking lots to desist from doing so forthwith.

Stipulated penalties regulating parking policies in Ondo Sta­te are still very mu­ch potent, and shall be invoked accordin­gly. Let’s all colle­ctively, make our St­ate Capital cleaner and more attractive.


Donald Ojogo
Commissioner for In­formation and Orient­ation
Ondo State

January 14, 2021

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