Numerous farmers in Idanre Local Government Area of Ondo State have received cassava cuttings from Yeyeoge Akekaka foundation.T

The NGO, is being financed solely by Miss Yemisi Akinduro, an Idanre indigene based in Oyo State from where she procured the high yielding and nutritious cassava TMe-419 variety and shipped them to Idanre where it was distributed.

Miss Yemisi Akinduro

Speaking at the event, one of the beneficiaries, a former Secretary of Idanre Local Government, Hon. Felix Oludele praised Miss Akinduro for her philanthropic activities and also lauded those committee she entrusted the distribution processes to for being honest and plain.

Speaking earlier, the philantropist, Miss Akinduro had said she decided to embark on the gesture because of the importance of food and bearing in mind the economic crunch being faced by Nigerians.

Farmers waiting to collect the cassava cuttings

She opined that by planting the high yielding cassava variety which matures rapidly after few months, hunger would be reduced if not banished from Idanre land.

Miss Akinduro however advised the farmers not to harvest them during the dry season so as to enhance the multiplication process.

A community leader, Mr. Samuel Kayode praised Miss Yemisi Akinduro for her philanthropic activities and the distribution of cassava cuttings freely to farmers as a commendable and humane action praying God to bless her endeavors.


Meanwhile, another wind of her benevolence and philanthropism will blow towards Idanre again in August 2021 as she will use the foundation to distribute very high yielding beans variety to the farmers freely.

According to Miss Akinduro, the step will also reduce hunger on the land.

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