Come Sunday 14th January, 2024, all roads lead to the ancient hilly town of Odode -Idanre in Ondo State , the tourist town will play host to people from all walks of life as the Prelate of Methodist Church Nigeria, MCN, His Eminence, Dr Oliver Ali Aba will inaugurate the new Diocese of the Church in Idanre.
Two major events will mark out the event. these are the enthronement of Right Revd Matthew Falade as the pioneer Bishop of the new Idanre Diocese and installation of Chief Akinbamidele Akinnagbe, the Ajiware Okunrin Ijo of Methodist Cathedral, Gbogi Akure and Permanent Secretary Ondo State Universal Basic Education Board, Akure as the pioneer Lay President of the Diocese.
The history of the new Diocese will definitely be incomplete without the contributions of many faithful and citizens of idanre, especially, that of Chief Ajiware of Methodist Church, Gbogi and incoming first Lay President of the new Diocese on Sunday, Chief Akinbamidele Akinnagbe.
Born over 50 years ago at Odode-Idanre to the family of Pa Isaiah Akinnagbe his grand father and one of the early converts to the Methodist Church Nigeria at Oke -Idanre, the young Akinbamidele laid his hand on the plow and never looked back following the footsteps of his grand father and later that of his father Hon Chief Samuel Akinnagbe and growing in the vineyard of God under the tutelage of several men of God ,his mother Chief Mrs Christiana Akinnagbe, the Iya-Egbe Idapo elect of Wesley Methodist Church, Idanre is a woman of virtues.
After his primary and secondary education at idanre, Chief Akinbamidele Akinnagbe attended the Federal School of Art & Science Ondo, for his Advanced Level between 1988 & 89 and Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU as well as Adekunle Ajasin University Akungba -Akoko where he graduated with Bsc Hons in Political Science and Masters in Public Administration .
Akinnagbe who started his career as a Class Teacher at Methodist High School, Odode -Idanre immediately after his University education at the Obafemi Awolowo University OAU Ile – Ife and National Youth Service, was the first old student to teach at his alma mater. He is a staunch member of the Church and a role model in selfless and Community service deploying his talents and resources to the development of his immediate society particularly the Church.
The in coming Lay President started serving in the Church as member of Choir for years at Methodist Church, Idale, Idanre now the seat of the Bishop , he was also a member of Boy’s Brigade, first Idanre company, Patron Boy’s brigade, MCN, Gbogi, Akure and President Men’s Fellowship Methodist Cathedral Gbogi, Akure.
Chief Akinnagbe who has served in many capacities in the Church was the Chairman harvest committee Gbogi, Akure for many years and Secretary Working Committee for the creation of MCN, Diocese of Idanre.
Chief Akinbamidele Akinnagbe is also a long standing member of the Chattered Institute of Personnel Management, Nigeria Institute of Management and Institute of Public Administration of Nigeria where he has been conferred with the fellow of the Institute in 2021.
With this trajectory of Chief Akinnagbe’s history in the Community, the Church and his meteoric rise within the ranks and file of the Church and Public Service of Ondo State , many were not surprised with his elevation to the enviable position of the Lay President of the brand new Diocese ,to them it is a well deserved appointment.
Part of the activities lined up for the inauguration.of the new MCN Diocese of Idanre include a welcome ceremony for the Prelate , His Eminence Oliver Alli Aba and dedication of the new Bishop’s House, built and donated by one of the illustrious sons of the Church on Saturday 13th January, 2024 .#
Written By Bolu Ajijo
Director of Press & Public Relations